Whiteside, Charles R.
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Last Name | Whiteside |
First Name | Charles |
Middle Name | R. |
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Death Date | 4/11/2015 |
Birth Date | 12/1/1931 |
Obituary Source | The Mooresville-Decatur Times, Mooresville, Indiana, 04/22/2015 |
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Survived By | Sisters, Katherine Whiteside Allen, Ruthemma Whiteside, and Alberta Gardner; several nieces, nephews, and cousins. |
Other | Son of Richard and Almeda Whiteside, born in Hancock County, Indiana. Graduate of Warren Central HS in 1949. Served in US Navy during the Korean War. Predeceased by parents and four siblings. Donated his body to science on behalf of IU Anatomical Education Program. (Simplicity Funeral & Cremation Care, Indianapolis) |
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