Mooresville Public Library
Obituary Finder

Vanwyk, Pamela Ann

Personal Information
Last Name Vanwyk
First Name Pamela
Middle Name Ann
Maiden Name Marcinkus
Death Date 11/13/2024
Birth Date 10/16/1956
Obituary Source Carlisle-Branson Funeral Service & Crematory
Source Information
Cemetery cremated
Family Information
Spouse Andrew Vanwyk
Survived By Daughter (Nicole Thompson), Brother (Russell Marcinkus), Nieces and Nephews (Jeff Vanwyk, Jason Vanwyk, Amy Knox, Julie Scott, Joseph Marcinkus, and Daniel Marcinkus), and 3 Grandchildren.
Other Pamela was born in Chicago, IL to parents Joseph Marcinkus and Lorraine (Michaelson) Marcinkus. She passed away at Rosegate Village at the age of 68. She was preceded in death by her parents, husband, sister (Deborah Vanwyk), and a brother (Robert Marcinkus).
Obituary File
Other File