Mooresville Public Library
Obituary Finder

Ufkes, Angeleta Kay

Personal Information
Last Name Ufkes
First Name Angeleta
Middle Name Kay
Maiden Name Riffel
Death Date 5/4/2015
Birth Date 10/25/1961
Obituary Source The Martinsville Reporter, Martinsville, Indiana, 05/07/2015
Source Information
Cemetery Mt. Zion Cemetery, Morgantown, Indiana
Family Information
Spouse Fansler, Harold; Ufkes, Dan B.
Survived By Husband, Dan; daughter, Rebekah Rose Ufkes; sister, Armetta S. (Duane) McDaniel; nephews, David Riffel and Matthew McDaniel; nieces, Holly Grant and Kacee Ufkes.
Other Daughter of the late James K. and Phyllis Rose (Sheppard) Riffel, born in Paragon, Indiana. Graduate of Martinsville HS in 1980, and PJ's Beauty College. Preceded in death by first husband Harold Fansler on November 9, 1993; brother, Dan D. Riffel, on March 9, 2000; and her parents. (Neal & Summers, Martinsville)
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