Phillips, Linda Ann
Personal Information | |
Last Name | Phillips |
First Name | Linda |
Middle Name | Ann |
Maiden Name | Reeves |
Death Date | 6/9/2015 |
Birth Date | 4/20/1945 |
Obituary Source | The Martinsville Reporter, Martinsville, Indiana, 06/16/2015 |
Source Information | |
Cemetery | Forest Lawn Memory Gardens, Greenwood, Indiana |
Family Information | |
Spouse | Phillips, John Orville |
Survived By | Sons, John D. (Cindy) Phillips, Charles M. (Nancy) Phillips, and Michael J. Phillips; grandchildren, Michael, Scott, Joshua, Michael and Corey Lee Phillips. |
Other | Daughter of the late Lowell and Ezma (Dobbs) Reeves, born in Indianapolis, Indiana. Married on September 6, 1963; husband preceded her in death on January 19, 2003. Former longtime resident of Monrovia, Indiana. Died in Winter Garden, Florida. (Neal & Summers, Martinsville) |
Obituary File |
Other File |