Mooresville Public Library
Obituary Finder

Nugent, Edna Marie

Personal Information
Last Name Nugent
First Name Edna
Middle Name Marie
Maiden Name Morris
Death Date 5/21/2015
Birth Date 4/22/1915
Obituary Source The Mooresville-Decatur Times, Mooresville, Indiana, 05/23/2015
Source Information
Family Information
Spouse Nugent, George Franklin
Survived By Four daughters, Janet Diann (Bob) Barney, Sharon Louise (Ron) Earl, Karen Lee Boyer, and Pamela Marie (Dennis) Wade; 13 grandchildren; 26 great-grandchildren; 16 great-great-grandchildren; a brother, Eugene Morris; and a sister, Marjorie Barley.
Other Daughter of James E. and Rosa Ann (Thompson) Morris, born in LaRue County, Kentucky. Graduate of Union Township HS. Married on November 28, 1934. Lived in Indianapolis for 15 years and Johnson County for 10 years, and in the Camby-Mooresville area since 1954. Preceded in death by her parents; her husband George; a daughter, Janice Ann Downey; two brothers and a sister. (Jones Family Mortuary, Mooresville)
Obituary File
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