Mooresville Public Library
Obituary Finder

Knick, Jr., Harold D.

Personal Information
Last Name Knick, Jr.
First Name Harold
Middle Name D.
Maiden Name
Death Date 3/4/2015
Birth Date 5/16/1932
Obituary Source The Martinsville Reporter, Martinsville, Indiana, 03/06/2015
Source Information
Cemetery Shultz Cemetery, Martinsville, Indiana
Family Information
Survived By Two daughters, Natalie L. Knick and Sherry; one son, Sonny; grandchildren, Nikiya, Hollie and Peyton; great-granddauaghter, Adalyn; and sisters, Mary Ann Small and Belinda K. (Gary) Parsley.
Other Son of the late Harold D. Knick and Vera D. (Fox) Rutan. Served in US Air Force from 1953 until retirement in 1976. Preceded in death by his parents; stepfather, George A. Rutan; brother, Ovid L. Knick; and sister, Joan L. Stanger. (Neal & Summers, Martinsville)
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