Knick, Jr., Harold D.
Personal Information | |
Last Name | Knick, Jr. |
First Name | Harold |
Middle Name | D. |
Maiden Name | |
Death Date | 3/4/2015 |
Birth Date | 5/16/1932 |
Obituary Source | The Martinsville Reporter, Martinsville, Indiana, 03/06/2015 |
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Cemetery | Shultz Cemetery, Martinsville, Indiana |
Family Information | |
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Survived By | Two daughters, Natalie L. Knick and Sherry; one son, Sonny; grandchildren, Nikiya, Hollie and Peyton; great-granddauaghter, Adalyn; and sisters, Mary Ann Small and Belinda K. (Gary) Parsley. |
Other | Son of the late Harold D. Knick and Vera D. (Fox) Rutan. Served in US Air Force from 1953 until retirement in 1976. Preceded in death by his parents; stepfather, George A. Rutan; brother, Ovid L. Knick; and sister, Joan L. Stanger. (Neal & Summers, Martinsville) |
Obituary File |
Other File |