Mooresville Public Library
Obituary Finder

Herald, Kenneth W.

Personal Information
Last Name Herald
First Name Kenneth
Middle Name W.
Maiden Name
Death Date 01/12/2025
Birth Date 08/25/1947
Obituary Source Carlisle-Branson Funeral Service & Crematory
Source Information
Family Information
Spouse Pamela Adkins Herald
Survived By Wife, Sons (Kenneth Dale Herald and Kristopher Ryan Herald), Grandchildren (Dylan and Londyn Herald), Brothers (Dale Herald and Lynn Herald), along with several extended family members and friends.
Other Kenneth was born in Indianapolis, IN to parents Wendell and Genevieve (Jones) Herald. He passed away peacefully at home at the age of 77. He was preceded in death by his parents, grandson (Chance Herald), brother (Roger Herald), and sister (Eyvonne Smithey).
Obituary File
Other File