Mooresville Public Library
Obituary Finder

Fulton, Deanna J.

Personal Information
Last Name Fulton
First Name Deanna
Middle Name J.
Maiden Name McRoy
Death Date 6/14/2015
Birth Date 6/16/1939
Obituary Source The Martinsville Reporter, Martinsville, Indiana, 06/16/2015
Source Information
Cemetery East Hill Cemetery, Morgantown, Indiana
Family Information
Spouse Fulton, Bernard L. "Bernie"
Survived By Husband, Bernard; children, Joyce L. (John) Matthews, Bernard L. Fulton, Deana Elaine O'Sullivan, RaJean K. Vehling, and LaDonna M. (Darrel) Rivenbark; siblings, Janet (Cleston) Brannam and Paul (Sharon) McRoy; fourteen grandchildren and special niece, Robin (Tony) Tschetter.
Other Daughter of the late James L. and Deenie (Costelow) McRoy, born in Indianapolis, Indiana. Graduate of Arsenal Tech HS in 1957. Married on June 28, 1957, in Indianapolis. Preceded in death by her parents and siblings, Mamie Danz, Mary Tschetter, Harol, Bob, Fred and Don McRoy. (Meredith-Clark Funeral Home, Morgantown)
Obituary File
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