Mooresville Public Library
Obituary Finder

Coleman, James M.

Personal Information
Last Name Coleman
First Name James
Middle Name M.
Maiden Name
Death Date 9/13/1893
Birth Date 1/1/1853
Obituary Source
Source Information
Family Information
Survived By Wife; 2 sons.
Other A telegram was received at Morgantown by Scott Coleman, that James M. Coleman had died yesterday from a railroad accident. He was born in Morgantown and was the son of Harvey Coleman. He was about 40 years old. "From Morgantown -- The remains of James Coleman, who was killed in Chicago, were interred here." "Killed while on duty with the National Guard at the World's Fair in Chicago a few weeks ago. He was a native of Morgantown. [After his death, his widow went to Steele, South Dakota, and a few days ago, married a wealthy bachelor at that place.]"
Obituary File
Other File