Mooresville Public Library
Obituary Finder

Gil Quintero, Juan Sebastian

Personal Information
Last Name Gil Quintero
First Name Juan
Middle Name Sebastian
Maiden Name
Death Date 11/14/2024
Birth Date 11/18/2003
Obituary Source Carlisle-Branson Funeral Service & Crematory
Source Information
Cemetery cremated
Family Information
Spouse Angie Alejandra Vargas (fiance)
Survived By Fiance, Son (David Vargas), Mother (Jhoana Elisabeth Quintero Quintero), Paternal Grandfather (Rodrigo Gil), Maternal Grandmother (Socorro Quintero), and several auns, uncles, and cousins.
Other Juan was born in Bello, Colombia to parents Juan Pablo Gil and Jhoana Elisabeth Quintero. He passed away suddenly at the age of 20. He was preceded in death by his father, paternal grandmother (Gilma Agudelo), and maternal grandfather (Oscar de Jesus Quintero).
Obituary File
Other File